tamsin wolfe | writer + clairvoyant

Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here ~ Sue Monk Kidd

Once you've written something, it's out there. You leave a metaphorical fingerprint that you cannot erase. Even if a hard copy is completely destroyed - it still existed. At one time, you + those words existed… and it was real.


For me, writing is the most powerful medium for telling a story and literally leaving a message. I cannot necessarily look at a painting that is a hundred years old and try to understand what they were trying to say. It doesn't speak to me as it would say, an art connoisseur. But when I read a book that is a hundred years old, I can be totally transported to wherever they were when they wrote it and to the thoughts of the writer.


My wish is to leave a story, and to write the story properly. Because if I tell it properly and it is the absolute truth, it will mean something to someone at some point. Maybe not now, but maybe in another ten, twenty, fifty years it might really help someone.


Books go anywhere + everywhere: a doctor’s waiting room or the dusty shelves of a second-hand shop. We honestly have no idea where a book will end up. And it fascinates me that, in a different time, perhaps on the other side of the world, someone’s trajectory may literally change, simply because they read our words.

words by tamsin wolfe |  @tarotwithtamsin 

edited + curated by cassie douglas


vicki beven | seamstress + creatress


sally whelan | painter