vicki beven | seamstress + creatress

the tiniest smidgen of progress is something to be savoured ~ julia cameron

For years I didn't really create much art at all because I was so blocked. I would avoid starting a project because I was afraid that I wasn’t going to do a good job. I started doing the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I've been doing the morning pages pretty much every day for a year and I feel like it’s really helped. I just do little projects from that. I drew two drawings every day, for a couple of months - just really quick ones. And then it gradually became more of an organic thing and then those blocks weren't really stopping me to some degree. Now it's more about the refinement of that process. The desire to create is within me - it's a natural outflow of who I am. And if I don't do it, there's frustration + disappointment + dissatisfaction with life. It's just an energy that needs to move through me. 


I like having lots of ideas but when it comes to actually executing them, I sometimes don't like doing it. I'd almost like to just be the ideas factory and then have little robots to enact my directives. But what I believe is really valuable is actually doing the work, you know? Because that's actualizing it and that's moving it through your body. It’s a really important part of the creation. Otherwise it's just too conceptual + static + ungrounded.

words by vicki beven

@the.empress.and.the.sun |

edited + curated by cassie douglas

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joel salom | comedian + juggler


tamsin wolfe | writer + clairvoyant