why people have a hard time writing about themselves
As the online realm approaches saturation point of selfies + selling points, it may come as a shock to learn that when it comes to people writing about themselves… many struggle.
Surprisingly, when pulling together a Bio or About page for our websites, we often hit a wall. Some clients say the process feels triggering, inauthentic or flat out narcissistic. We scramble for the perfect words that will make us sound legendary; like we have it all figured out + really know our shit. But just like photo filters shield us from the real deal… so it does with filtered and phoney written copy.
However, change is afoot.
The truth is, that underneath all the pouting + pitches, the collective is growing weary of the fake + contrived. We have awoken from the spell THIRSTY for something real, something meaningful. Because when it comes to truthfully reflecting our humanness… bots + algorithms have a bit of catching up to do.
Humanity isn’t something we curate. It isn’t “content”. Humanity relies on our genuine interaction with the world + with ourselves. It is messy, ugly, cyclic, sporadic + wildly beautiful. It is neither linear nor consistent in nature. It is who we are when we feel the world isn’t looking in on us.
As we approach the pinnacle of look-at-me culture, most of us are finding it hard to get it up, and keep it up.
It feels momentarily great to project a pretty face to the world - our ego loves it. But deep down, what we really need is to be seen for WHO WE TRULY ARE.
The bad news? Before we can arrive at this place of authenticity and freedom, we need to break the fuck up with toxic, narcissistic, capitalistic, materialistic culture.
The good news? It’s already happening.
Perhaps writing about ourselves feels creepy, weird + narcissistic because we’ve been going about it all wrong.
Let us start by taking the pen away from our ego and by giving it to our heart. Let us see what she has to say.
People are much less interested in your shiny bits than you believe them to be. They couldn’t give a flying saucer about your certifications + cherry picked victories. Your people want you to take them on a journey into the marrow of your bones + the ventricles of your heart. They want you to spill the contents of your tired + curious brain at 3am. They want to hear about the fifty dragons that slayed your ass before you managed to slayed just one.
They want to learn about the bits in you that are just like the bits in them.
They want your humanity.
AND they want you to go first.
Writing about yourself, your work, your creativity, your projects, your business is not just a collection of your glossy bits. Writing about yourself requests that you get CLEAR on who you are + why you do what you do. It asks: how do you choose to be of service in the world?
Getting clear on this is important for your clients, sure. But most importantly, it is an absolute game changer for YOU.
And there is nothing narcissistic about that.
So, if you have been sitting on the fence with getting your bio or website copy together – don’t put it off any longer! Contact me for a free consult + quote and book in to GET IT DONE. I swear, that once you do, you won’t regret it. Not only will you have a beautiful website + powerful, authentic copy to push out into the world, but you will feel absolutely clear + aligned with who you are and what you are doing.
And you’ll never feel strange when writing about yourself again.
Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.
~ Albert Camus